When Eleanor's mom asked me if I'd be willing to travel to downtown Ashland for a shoot, my answer was an excited "YES!" I love the challenge and discovery of a new setting for pics. Ashland did not disappoint and neither did Eleanor! In fact, they were the perfect, beautiful combination. It was a hot evening (like real feel 90!), but Eleanor kept her cool and and I think I can safely say we both had a lot of fun that evening exploring all the terrific and quirky backdrops Ashland has to offer. In just a few blocks we had colorful murals, sidewalk scapes, alleys which had the most dreamy lighting, twinkling lights, gray brick walls, a barbie-ish pink door, black iron railings, a green astroturf park, and we even had a lion which Eleanor playfully posed with--ROAR!
Love, love, loved Eleanor's sparkly jacket, especially with the mural backdrop. Eleanor's personality was just as spunky and sparkly as her jacket. Sometimes she would just bubble over and be silly and I adore those impromptu pics. Honestly, looking through her photo gallery just makes me SMILE! But she also nailed her serious looks--just gorgeous. The green sweater/pink print skirt worked so well with the pink door and gray bricks and the orange and cream dress just flowed so wonderfully with the reddish orange brick alley, dark brown bridge with lights in the background, and yellow railing. I couldn't be more pleased with the way her outfits complimented the backdrops. But, of course, it was Eleanor who was the star of the show! Sometimes as I was clicking away, I just knew everything was coming together and I would start shouting "Oh, my gosh!" and geek out a bit. Eleanor and her mom couldn't help but laugh at my outbursts of excitement, but I think her pics are certainly worthy of a whoop and holler!
Eleanor is quite a busy young woman. She is Captain of the AHS Sweet Sixteen Dance team, President of Acapella Choir, performs with Sing N Swing and ArrowDynamics, and plays violin in the AHS Orchestra. She has also been a cast member in the AHS Musical each year since Freshman year, is a Girl Scout Ambassador, a member of National Honor Society, and Tri-M. We are planning a fall shoot as well with a nature inspired backdrop and I'm looking forward to capturing more beautiful pics of Eleanor with the warms tones of autumn in the background! I wish her the best in what sounds to be a whirlwind senior year before she transitions to college life. I have a feeling she is going to savor every moment!