Jaden ~ Downtown

October 19, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

For some reason boys don't get official senior portraits taken as often as girls. I wish they would! Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles love having nice pics to mark graduation. Plus senior guys deserve to capture the transition from high school to adulthood, too! Freezing time at 17 or 18 years old can be magical and will be something they can show their kids and grandkids one day if they come along. "Look how cool and handsome grandpa was back in the day!" Ha. So I am always happy when a senior guy comes my way. Especially one like Jaden. I thoughly enjoyed my session with him. He was willing to try different poses no matter how silly he felt and I think he had some fun, too! We meandered around downtown and I did a mix of my favorite photography spots along with some new ones. And WOW...look at the results! He was a superstar senior in my opinion. Mr. GQ-- looking like a magazine model:) I loved his hair, too! Very cool shade of purple on top. It is his trademark and I'm glad he didn't try to change it. He captured who he is at the moment and that is so important for senior portraits. 

Jaden runs track and is on the robotics team. He has plans to major in engineering. I told him that was a great career choice! My son is an engineer and it has been a wonderful field for him to be in. I wish him well his senior year with track, robotics, and his college search. I'm sure he is headed for success and will have a great transition to college life! And maybe one day engineer Jaden's kids will look in awe at the super cool pics of their dad:)

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