My first senior session of the year got me off to a spectacular start! I love the greens and flowers and warm lighting of summer. It really is the perfect time for senior pics! But the star of the shoot was not the beautiful surroundings, but my stunning subject, Audrey. Really, how gorgeous is she? The camera loved her. In fact, I had an almost impossible task trying to decide which photos to feature in this blog post. Honestly, there were many more just as lovely.
This senior session was a little extra special. I have known Audrey's family for a long time. Her mom has been my hairdresser for many years! I also remember Audrey as a little cutie tap dancing mouse in a production of Shrek that my daughter was also involved with. It was such a treat to spend some time with her and see what a kind and accomplished young woman she has become.
We started the session at Secrest Arboretum. The sun peeked out now and then, but was mostly cloudy, which provides the best light. Clouds act like a natural filter, softening the light. While I usually love sunny days, cloudy days speak to my photographer's heart! It was cool as well. In the upper 60's, so no worry about overheating. It was windy day, but settled enough that it didn't cause problems, thankfully. The arboretum did not disappoint; it was lush and colorful and made such a wonderful backdrop for Audrey's pretty white dress and cute navy blue jumper. After getting our fill of the greens and blooms, we headed to downtown Wooster to change things up! First up was cello pics in front of a garage door in an alley, of all things. Audrey's mom had seen some other pics that I took in front of this garage door and thought it would be great for the cello pics. And, boy, was she ever right! It ended up being striking--the rich solid colored brown-gray made the wood of the cello and Audrey's complexion practically glow. Great idea, mom! Loved Audrey's elegant one piece black outfit as well with the cello and also with the new butterfly mural on the back wall of Spoon Market. Then with a change into casual clothes, we finished up the session with various other picturespque spots downtown, capturing the twinkling lights of early evening. By the way, I think Audrey did a great job with her outfit selections. I always recommend a mix of dressy and casual and she nailed it!
Audrey is a busy student. She plays cello in orchestra (as you may have guessed from the photos), runs cross country, and is spending her summer working at two different jobs! She is undecided regarding a major for college, but is very interested in math and science. I wish her all the best her senior year and count myself very fortunate in being chosen as her senior photographer. I couldn't be happier with the way the shoot turned out and hope these photos of this all important time in her life bring joy and warm smiles to her and her family for years to come.